Sunday 25 January 2015

Thank You Flowers

Hi Folks
Well the weekend is nearly over.  I have had a busy weekend working on wedding stuff.  We have also been up to the hospital this afternoon as my Mother-In-Law had a knee replacement operation yesterday.  She is very sore but hoping that this will help with her mobility.  She is in her late seventies but still leads a very active life.  Hopefully, she will be out on Thursday.  I will let you know how she gets on.

Today I thought I would share a card that I made using a new stamp set from Honey Doo Crafts that I got just before christmas.  The stamp set is called Flowers for design and this is the first card I have made using it.

I used one of my favourite embossing folders for the background.  I find this embossing folder so versatile and love the images on it.  I embossed a piece of white card and then cut a circle aperture in the centre.  For the centre of the aperture I used the stamps and stamped onto vellum using versamark.  This was then embossed with white embossing powder.  I used various shades of purple promarkers to colour the flowers.  The vellum was mounted onto purple card and then the embossed piece mounted on top.  I stamped, embossed and coloured two of the larger flowers.  These were curled for added dimension and then stuck on the card around the aperture.  The sentiment is from an old stamp set that I have and this was also embossed with white embossing powder on vellum before cutting out and mounting onto purple card.  Some purple gems and sparkly dazzlers to the centre of the flowers finished the card.

Thanks for popping by and would love to know what you think.  A bit different for me but love the effect.

I would like to enter this into the following challenges:
Countryview - Use something new (stamps)
Crafty Calendar - What's new (stamps)
Jellypark - Bling it up
Penny Black and More - Stencils, masks, embossing folders
Dragonfly Dreams - Favourite colour (purple)
Without Words - Dreaming of spring
As You Like It - Favourite embossing folder
Aud Sentiments - Anything goes
Graph It - Crisp and white
Scribble and Scrap - Anything goes
Dream Valley - Anything goes
Not Just Cards - Anything goes
Artistic Inspirations - Anything goes
TTCRD - Anything goes
Top Tip Tuesday - Something new (stamps)
Creative Moments - Anything goes
Sister Act - Anything goes
Sentimental Sundays - Anything goes
Pile It On - Hearts and/or flowers
613 Avenue Create - Anything goes
OSAAT - Anything goes with purple


  1. This is so beautiful Mags. The flowers are gorgeous and look extra special on vellum. Love the embossed card.
    Hope you mother in law recover quickly.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  2. Beautiful card Mags the vellum looks superb so do the soft colours.
    lorraine x

  3. A gorgeous card! I love the colours and the embossing folder is really lovely. xx

  4. Wow! this is so beautiful Mags.

    Donna x

  5. Wow! this is so beautiful Mags.

    Donna x

  6. So pretty Mags is your card x

  7. This is stunning. I love the delicate design and beautiful flowers.
    I hope your Mother-In-Law makes a speedy recovery.
    Sue xx

  8. A very beautiful card Mags. Love the colours and the design. I had a knee replacement a couple of years ago. The most important thing, is she must do is the exercises. She will recover much quicker. I still do the exercises every morning. Yesterday i drove 3 of us to a Craft Fair. An hour driving there, walking around for 5 hours and then another hour driving home! No problem or pain. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  9. Thanks for sharing your project & creativity with us at Aud Sentiments Mags! I really like all the interesting textures & the depth you have created in this design. I especially like that you embossed the white on the flowers - nicely done!
    ~ginny, Aud Sentiments DT: [#123 - ATG ]
    Owner: RubberMAD (

  10. A stunning card, gorgeous image and colours. Thank you for sharing with us at Dream Valley Challenge. Marlene

  11. Love your card Mags, the purples contrast so well against the white! Thank you for joining us at Top Tip Tuesday this time - good luck, and hope to see you again soon

    Sue xx

  12. Mags this is gorgeous! Love the colors, the embossing on the flowers and the curled petals. A real work of art =) Thank you for joining the challenge at Through the Craft Room Door.
    Tina DT

  13. A beautiful card Mags I can see why that embossing folder is a favourite its gorgeous! Susan x

  14. FABulous - lovely colours and I really like your design. The flowers are super and I agree about your embossing folder - marvelous :-)
    Thank you for coming over to play at OSAAT.

    IKE x


  15. Wishing your MIL a speedy recovery! A fabulous card and just loving these stamps. Must check out this company.
    Linda xxxx

  16. Gorgeous card, love the embossing. Gail

  17. Very pretty! Thanks for sharing with us at Aud Sentiments!
    Mandy x (AS DT)

  18. I love how you used vellum on this card, the embossed flowers look so pretty and the design of them goes so well with the ones on the embossed background too. Very delicate and elegant!

  19. Evening Mags - your card is so pretty - the vellum looks lovely. Hope your mil goes on okay. Big hugs rachel x

  20. So pretty Mags, love the flowers and lovely embossing. Thanks for shareing on AYLI. Carol xx

  21. Brilliant make. Thanks for joining in our Crisp and White challenge at Graph’It Markers Colouring Challenge
    Anjie (DT)

  22. Beautiful card Mags, I love the flowers and the embossing
    Kevin xx

  23. What a beautiful work, really stunning. Thank you so much for joining our challenge at Top Tip Tuesday this time, hope we see you again.
    hugs Clarissa

  24. Gorgeous card, Mags. Beautiful flowers and colours. Great embossing folder. Thank you for playing along with us at As You Like It. Luv, Wilma

  25. lovely card! The flowers are so beautiful!
    Thanks for playing along in the 613 Avenue Create Challenge.
    Stop by for my Birthday Candy :)

  26. Such a beautiful card. Thank you for joining us over at the Scribble and Scrap Challenge. Good luck.

  27. A stunning make - love the embossing.
    Sorry I'm a little late visiting but thanks so much for joining in at Penny Black & More.
    Lynn x

  28. Lovely card, thank you for sharing over at Jellypark Friends :o)

  29. Great techniques used to create this wonderful card! The embossing really sets it off! Thanks for dropping this off by our house here at 613 Avenue Create! We love seeing you in the neighborhood.
    Chana, Owner

  30. What a gorgeous make!

    Thanks for joining us at Dragonfly Dreams and I hope you join us again soon!


    Owner Dragonfly Dreams

  31. Gorgeous card. Thanks for joining in our 'What's New" challenge at Crafty Calendar this month.
    Bev x


Thanks for popping by. Your comments are much appreciated.