Tuesday 19 August 2014

Photo Inspiration at The Crafting Cafe

Hi Folks
Hope you are all well and having a good week so far.  It was a good day yesterday as our daughter came home after working for four months in Majorca.  She has had a super time but is now getting ready to start her midwife training in September.  It is great to have her back home and I can now stop worrying so much about her lol.

Today I am here to share a little inspiration for our current challenge over at The Crafting Cafe.

Our challenge for this month is to create something using the photograph below as your inspiration.

Our sponsor for this challenge is Ooh La La Creations and I used images from their CD Carnival of Colour for my card.

I matted the three panels onto dark green card and also the backing paper.  I added some dark green ribbon, gems and a sentiment which finished the card.

Thanks for popping by and would love for you to enter the challenge.  Just pop over to The Crafting Cafe for full challenge details.


  1. Morning Mags,

    Back from hols and playing catch up and your Poppies make a wonderful start to the day.

    B x

  2. This is gorgeous Mags, love the poppy image. So pleased your Daughter got home safely. Susan x

  3. Oh Mags, this is stunning, I have a love of poppies, gives me fabulous memories of my Dad..so glad you daughter is home safe..we never stop worrying about them, do we? hugs hun xxx

  4. Stunning Mags, love your design and of course the beautiful poppies.
    Linda xxx

  5. brilliant make Mags - and so glad to hear your daughter is back safely! hugs rachel x

  6. You already know I love your card Mags! Just gorgeous!
    Dawn xx


Thanks for popping by. Your comments are much appreciated.