Wednesday 20 August 2014

New Challenge at Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenges

Hi Folks
Hope you are all well and having a good week.  I must admit that the weather has been a bit cooler the last couple of days but still seen some sunshine so not all bad.  

The weeks are really racing by and today sees the start of a new challenge over at Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenges.  Our theme for this week is:
Christmas, Children or Critters
Something for everyone there I think so get those entries in.

We have two great sponsors for this challenge who are Bugaboo Stamps and Robyns Fetish.

For my inspiration project I used a cute image and sentiment from Bugaboo Stamps.

As you can see I decided to go really CAS with this card.  I printed the image and sentiment onto white card and then coloured with my promarkers.  This was then mounted onto some red and orange cardstock.  I added a bow and dazzler and some faux stitching.  Certainly very CAS for me but I do like it.  Would love to know what you think?

Thanks for popping by and looking forward to seeing your entries to the challenge.  Just pop over to Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenges for full details.  Don't forget to check out the super inspiration projects from my talented teamies.

I would like to enter this into the following challenges:
Crafting by Designs - Anything goes
Wags N Whiskers - Birthdays
Pan Pastel - Bold and bright
My Mums Craft Shop - Clean and simple
Cute Card Thursday - Clean and simple
Sister Act - Anything goes
HIMCR - Ribbon
613 Avenue Create - Anything goes
Scribble and Scrap - Anything goes
Whoopsi Daisy - No square cards
Artistic Inspirations - Anything goes/Up up and away
Crafting from the Heart - Anything goes
TTCRD - Anything goes
Top Tip Tuesday - Anything goes
I Love Promarkers - Photo inspiration (used the bright colours and the little birds for my inspiration)
Inky Impressions - Anything goes


  1. Brilliant card Mags, I love that adorable image, the stitching around the edge and the gorgeous bow
    Julie x

  2. Gorgeous image and love the bow. I love the colours.
    Linda xxx

  3. Beautiful card, thanks for joining us at Artistic Inspirations. Louise x

  4. Mags, I love your bird day card. It's beautiful. I like the CAS design.

  5. Cute card Mags!! Like the image and the CAS style, beautiful!
    Thanks for joining the TTCRD challenges.

  6. Beautiful card Mags,lovely image too.
    Gr Elly

  7. Gorgeous card Mags, love the image
    Wendy xx

  8. A gorgeous CAS card Mags, love your faux sit itching too! Susan x

  9. A beautiful card, Mags, super image, and just very elegant, yet fun, hugs xxx

  10. Those are cute critters and I love your bird day card. :) Thanks for joining us at Top Tip Tuesday.

  11. Love it this is a great stamp the CAS design works so well love and Hugs Carole x

  12. Love it Mags, great seniment & I love the colours! That bow si just lush!!!
    Dawn xx

  13. Beautiful card I love the color.
    Thank you to joining us Wag's Whiskers'll look next time
    kisses hugs
    dt Tiziana

  14. What a GREAT card!!! And GREAT way to use ribbon. Thanks for joining us this week at Hiding In My Craft Room for our "use ribbon" challenge. Hope you join us again this coming week.

    Kathy HIMCR DT

  15. This is extra cute!!! Thanks for joining us this week at Hiding in my Craft Room.

  16. That is adoreable Mags!!!
    Thank you so much for joining us over at Pan Pastel UK.

  17. This is just gorgeous.Thanks for sharing with us at

  18. Great CAS card! Love the bright colours too. Thank you for joining the Crafting From The Heart Challenge, hope to see you again very soon.

    Victoria DT

  19. beautiful, thank you for joining us at whoopsie daisy, good luck, hope to see you again xx

  20. Fab card - love the bright orange you have picked!
    Mandy x

  21. Fabulous image, lovely CAS design, gorgeous bow! Thanks for sharing with the Lovely Ladybugs!

  22. Great card Mags love that image too, , thanks for playing Top Tip Tuesday challenge hugs Samantha :0)

  23. Lovely cute card. Thank you for joining the challenge at Whoopsi Daisy


Thanks for popping by. Your comments are much appreciated.