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Sunday 24 November 2013

Kraftyhands Vintage Transport CD Launch

Hi Folks
Hope you are all well and had a good weekend.
Just wanted to pop by and tell you about the latest CD launch from Kraftyhands.  

The CD is called Vintage Transport and is full of gorgeous vintage vehicle images from planes, ships, barges, motorbikes etc.  

The CD launches on Create and Craft at 3pm on Monday 25th November.  Hope you will be able to tune in.
Here are a few samples that I have made using the CD.

Bye for now and enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


Linda Simpson said...

These are fabulous Mags.

Linda xxx

downrightcrafty said...

these are great and love the bow on the last one
Hugs Kate xx

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

These are fabulous Mags, perfect for the hard to do male cards! Susan x

julie_woolston said...

Fabulous samples Mags
Hugs Julie xxx

Unknown said...

Stunning samples Mags xxx