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Friday 16 May 2014

Imagination Crafts Weekender

Hi Folks
Hope you are all looking forward to your weekend.  It looks like the weather is going to be good to us so I am planning to make the most of it.

I just wanted to pop by and let you know that Imagination Crafts will be on Create and Craft this weekend with six hours of shows.  The shows are scheduled as follows:
Saturday 17th May   9.00am,  12.00 noon,  6.00pm
Sunday 18th May  11.00am,  2.00pm,  7.00pm

The lovely Sue will be demonstrating and providing lots of inspiration.  There will be lovely new products, techniques and samples to see.  Hope you will tune in or if you are not able then press the record button.  You don't want to miss these shows.  You may even see some samples that I have made.


Jennifer Johnston said...

Hi Mags, I'll definitely be tuning in over the weekend. Looking forward to seeing your samples. It is always nice to see what fellow DT members make. It always amazes me that the DT use the same products but we all make something totally different from each other lol!! Hope you enjoy the shows.
Hugs Jennifer xx

Linda Simpson said...

Looking forward to seeing your samples on TV. I am away at a family get together so recording the shows. Enjoy you weekend.
Linda xxx

Unknown said...

So excited Mags, looking forward to seeing the shows, but also taping them for future reference xxx

Sandra H said...

Thanks Mags x

lady jasmine crafts said...

Whoop whoop the shows have been fab cant wait for tomorrow xxxx